
Natural Areas Journal, April 2013, Cover photo of T. Stoloniferum by John Q. Burkhart

Natural Areas Journal, April 2013, Cover photo of T. Stoloniferum by John Q. Burkhart


Lee E, Burkhart JQ, Olson S, Billings AB, Patz JA, Harner EJ (2016) Relationships of climate and irrigation factors with malaria parasite incidences in two climatically dissimilar regions in India. Journal of Arid Environments 124:241-224. Abstract

Burkhart JQ, Rentch JR & Schuler TS (2012). Effects of forest management on running buffalo clover (Trifolium stoloniferum) distribution and abundance in the Fernow Experimental Forest. Natural Areas Journal 33:156-162. Full Text

Paradise CJ, Blue JD, Burkhart JQ, Goldberg J, Harshaw L, Hawkins K, Kegan B, Krentz T, Smith L, & S Villalpando (2008). Local and regional factors influence the structure of treehole metacommunities. BMC Ecology 8(22). Full Text

CJ Paradise, JQ Burkhart, C Chrisawn, L Harshaw B Kittinger, & L Smith (2007) Prior occupation by scirtid beetles does not affect mosquito and midge populations in treehole. Journal of Negative Results, 4(1):15-22. Abstract

Burkhart JQ, B Kegan, L Smith, S Villalpando, & CJ Paradise (2007) Effects of scirtid beetles and leaf litter on colonization and development of treehole communities: Is there evidence of facilitation in the field? Southeastern Naturalist 6(4):597-614. Abstract